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Creating & Sharing Educational Content

'Teaching as if the world matters'

Develop Your English is a free-to-access e-textbook. Here's some information about open practice, and why I chose to publish the book as an Open Educational Resource (OER).


Open Education

Open educational practices are teaching and learning techniques that draw on open and participatory technologies and high-quality OERs in order to facilitate learning. The aim is to ensure that everyone, everywhere, has access to a high-quality education.


Open Scholarship

Open scholarship is the application of open educational practices across the teaching, learning, research and scholarly environment. Open practices include the use of open copyright licenses that grant permission for others to freely access, reuse, redistribute, or build upon our scholarly work. 'Research and scholarship should be as open as possible and closed as necessary' (Cape Town Open Education Declaration).


Open Educational Resources (OERs)

OERs are teaching and learning materials that are either in the public domain or have been shared under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions. OERs increase access to education and empower students in the learning process. Click the 'Sue's OERs' button in the menu bar at the top of the page for a range of resources that I have created and shared on public platforms.


Creative Commons (CC)

OERs have a Creative Commons license and access to them is free. 'Creative Commons is an international nonprofit organisation that empowers people to grow and sustain the thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture we need to address the world's most pressing challenges and create a brighter future for all.' Teachers and learners can freely access and use OERs, and may be able to revise them depending on the licence. Develop Your English is free to access and share, but only in its original form.


Open Textbooks/Open Book Publishing

Develop Your English is free to access via the link in the main menu, and is also discoverable via the Pressbooks directory, along with a wide range of other open access books.


Find out more:

Open education

Take a free course in Open Education from the Open University, UK.

Read 'Education for All'

Open pedagogy

Read an open access academic article 'The why of open pedagogy: a value‑first conceptualization for enhancing instructor praxis'.

Open Educational Resources

Read more on the Open Education Global website.

Read the Cape Town Open Education Declaration.

Read an overview of OERs in the UK


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